Thursday, June 17, 2010

Today, I took a long drive (road trip, more like) through Ohio, from the northeast to southwest. I tend to be sentimental when it comes to these kinds of trips, mainly because I see so many people in cars and in restaurants and in convenience stores and on farms that I know I will probably never see again. This continues to fascinate me... I think the idea that people are out there, doing things beyond me, scares the bejeezus out of me, like it confirms the infinite chaos of everything. Despite the introduction and subsequent requirement for civilization that came eventually when we became too smart to keep fighting, I don't think states or cities or any kind of borders at all can compete with this notion of infinite chaos, infinite diaspora of people to seemingly random places, where they take up residence for a short period of time. I don't know, I'm not trying to make any kind of point here, except to say that I get scared in an existential way when it comes to taking trips where I run into lots of random people who fall into my life and out in a matter of seconds. I want to reach out to all of them, and have them acknowledge my existence too. Let's be a community here. So I spent lots of time in the car today. To pass the time, besides thinking about the above, I took pictures of what I saw, and thought was interesting. Admittedly, I had a blog posting in mind when I took them, so the idea might be tainted by my need to show off. But I don't think so, I kept the process relatively pure. The drive began at 5:15 am... in an anxious attempt to see my girlfriend Sarah before she left for Korea for weeks this summer, I sought to have as much as possible with her. So these first pictures arethe sky at that time. Blah. But there's some kind of magic to driving early in the morning, no one around, feeling energetic with a cup of crap coffee in the cup holder, NPR on the radio, hours of driving ahead of you... that's one of those no-limit times that I like so much.

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